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“Transforming the economy through inclusive growth and unleashing enterprise that leads to job creation, instead of more government-run transformation initiatives” by Hon. Mzwandile Masina, Chairperson of Trade Industry and Competition (DTIC)

Friday, 14 March 2025, 10am Honourable Chairperson Members of Parliament Fellow South African The African National Congress welcomes the debate as proposed by Hon. Chance of the Democratic Alliance (DA). Perhaps the debate must start with giving a brief historical...

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Debate Customary Initiation by Zwelini Mkhize

Madam Speaker  The customary initiation is an age-old tradition that is practiced across the length and breadth of our country with an impact that varies from community to community. The deaths of initiates have been a source of deep concern in our society. The...

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J Maimela Six unemployed young people from Port Alfred and surrounding areas, deployed as educator assistants by RecycleBot Builders, are now implementing a groundbreaking robotics and coding programme across six schools: Klipfontein Primary, Mtyobo Public Primary,...

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S Hlongo The ANC welcomes recent moves by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development to blacklist child maintenance defaulters. The department signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Social Justice Foundation and the Consumer Profile Bureau...

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(P Ndamase) 1.      The African National Congress moved without notice: That the House - (1) notes that on 31st of October, the Hindu community celebrates one of the biggest and most important festivals for Hindus, the festival of...

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(E Nkosi) The African National Congress moves without notice: That the House commends the South African women’s cricket team Proteas for reaching the final of the International Cricket Council (ICC) Women’s T20 World Cup 2024 in Dubai, although they lost to New...

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(N Mtolo) The African National Congress moves without notice: That the House notes with sadness the passing on of former Governor of the South African Reserve Bank and Labour and Finance Minister, Dr Tito Mboweni on Saturday 12 October 2024, at the age of 65,...

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Motion On Online Listing Of Maintenance Defaulters

5 November 2024 I hereby move without notice on behalf of the African National Congress that the House – 1) Note that on 1 November, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development took a very important step against child maintenance defaulters;2) Also note...

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Motion without notice by Hon Sithole by Hon Sithole

5 November I hereby move without notice on behalf of the African National Congress that the Council: - Notes that today (4 November) marks World Tsunami Awareness Day 5 November, which is a day that was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to...

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Motion without notice by Hon Phala

5 November 2024 I hereby move without notice on behalf of the African National Congress that the House – Notes with concern the 20% year-on-year increase in the number of police officers killed in South Africa with 111 murdered in the 2023/24 financial year. Further,...

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Motion without notice by Hon Medupe

5 November 2024 I hereby move without notice on behalf of the African National Congress that the House – Notes that a police constable in North West shot his girlfriend and her male friend dead before turning the gun on himself on Saturday morning. Further note that...

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NCOP Basic Education Budget Vote by Comrade D, Fienies

24 July 2024 The importance of basic education in dealing with socio-economic issues Basic education is a cornerstone for addressing a wide array of socio-economic issues. It lays the foundation for individuals to lead productive and fulfilling lives, contributing to...

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Heritage Month 2009

By Dr Mathole Motshekga, Chief Whip of the ANC Since the advent of democracy in South Africa, we have made it an annual tradition to celebrate September as both the Heritage and Tourism Month. In doing so, our government selects an appropriate theme for each year, and...

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Sowing Division

25 August 2008 A response to the article, ANC makes the state its enemy, by Njabulo Ndebele The apartheid state machinery used every dirty trick in the book to sow division in the ANC. It spoke of communists and nationalists, of moderates and radicals, it spoke of...

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Deepening the fight against crime

15 August 2008 In his closing address to the 52nd National Conference of the African National Congress, President Jacob Zuma, among other things said, "I therefore call on all ANC branches to actively lead, champion and facilitate crime prevention strategies." In this...

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Women’s Day

8 August 2008 Fifty two years ago, on August 9, 1956, thousands of women representing the heroic women of our country marched to the Union Buildings to present their demands to the then Prime Minister. The women said, "We are women from every part of South Africa. We...

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Response to Fivaz-Njenje’s Sunday Times article

6 July 2008 George Fivaz and Gibson Njenje, respectively former national police commissioner and national intelligence agency deputy head, hit the nail on the head in their sober contribution to the discourse on the future of the Directorate of Special Operations,...

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