J Mkhwanazi

We are concerned at the arrogance displayed by the DA towards its citizens in its unlawful 17.6% electricity tariff imposed by the City of Cape Town for the 2023/24 financial year, which contravenes the distribution licence provided by the regulator. Nersa rejected the city’s application for an above-guideline electricity tariff increase of 17.6%. Nersa said the city should enforce a 15.1% electricity tariff increase on 1 July 2023. The city has since applied to the high court to have the energy regulator’s 15.1% tariff increase proposal reviewed, which Nersa is expected to oppose.

By applying for an above-guideline electricity tariff hike due to load shedding, declining electricity sales due to energy efficiency, and people beginning to use self-generation in the form of Small Scale Embedded Generations (SSEGs), seeks to penalise the consumer who has no control over load shedding and it is not of their making. The customers owning the self-generation facilities still pay for the cost of being connected to the grid through applicable network charges. They are not exempted.

The DA must understand that it is the poor who will suffer and flouting the law in their eagerness to increase their coffers is more proof of their divide and rule policy.