Brazil – Heads of Powers highlight defence of democracy during session in honour of 35 years of the Constitution

The defense of democracy and the need for harmony between the Powers marked the solemn session of the National Congress in honor of the 35th anniversary of the Constitution, celebrated this October 5th. On the other hand, many cited the challenges of making points such as reducing social inequalities and ending extreme poverty a reality.

There was also mention of the January 8 attacks and recent decisions by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that provoked controversy in Congress, such as the unconstitutionality of a time frame for the recognition of indigenous lands.

The president of the National Congress, senator Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), recalled that the Magna Carta represented the return of basic freedoms, of an institutionality based on the balance between Powers, in addition to the establishment of rights. Because of these rights, according to Pacheco, the population will always react when the Constitution is attacked.

“The Brazilian people love and defend their Constitution. He argues based on it. And he does not stand by indifferently when the values ​​of the Magna Carta are attacked. We are all interpreters of the Constitution and are at the service of its commandments,” he stated.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), also mentioned the need for the Powers to act together to uphold the Constitution. “Powers must be checks and balances. One Power cannot be the anvil and the other the hammer of the others. As a faithful servant of the Magna Carta, each Power, each authority, each public servant must vigorously hold on to their competencies, never refusing them, never advancing on the competencies of others”, added Lira.

In the same sense, the president of the Federal Supreme Court, Luís Roberto Barroso, said that there are no “hegemonic” Powers, but partners. According to him, the Constitution brought 35 years of institutional stability, which would be an achievement in a republican history marked by coups and attempted coups. And he cited poverty, inequality and urban violence as challenges.

“I think we have been moving in the right direction, even if not at the desired speed. The future has been delayed a little, but it is still on the horizon,” she declared.

Constituent deputy of 1988, the vice-president of the Republic, Geraldo Alckmin, recalled the atmosphere of the National Constituent Assembly. He stated that the galleries and corridors were always crowded.

“‘Let’s vote!’ These words spoken by the late doctor Ulysses Guimarães still echo in this House. They keep the memory of the urgency of that moment and the greatness of the work that was carried out here”, he recalled.

Several attendees highlighted the right to universal and free healthcare, which would have proven successful, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Regarding the 129 constitutional amendments promulgated to date, President Rodrigo Pacheco stated that they do not represent a failure, but an important flexibility of the Constitution to adapt to social changes.

Also present at the session was the 1st vice-president of the 88 Assembly, former deputy Mauro Benevides. And the president of Correios, Fabiano dos Santos, launched a stamp commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Federal Constitution.