African National Congress

Parliamentary Caucus

ANC Parliamentary Caucus welcomes the nomination of  Speaker Candidate – Elect Comrade Nosiviwe Mapisa Nqakula

10 August 2021

The African National Congress Parliamentary Caucus welcomes and congratulates Speaker Candidate – Elect, Comrade Nosiviwe Mapisa – Nqakula, following today’s Special Caucus meeting to discuss processes towards the election of the Speaker convened by the Chief Whip of the Majority Party, Comrade Pemmy Majodina.

This nomination follows last week’s announcements of new changes to the National  Executive by President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa where the President indicated  that “Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa – Nqakula will be deployed to a new position”.

Until last week, Comrade Nosiviwe- Mapisa Nqakula had served as a Minister of  Defence and Military Veterans from June 2012 to August 2021. Previously, she was  Minister of Home Affairs from 2004 to 2009 and Minister of Correctional Services  from 2009 to 2012 as well as serving as Deputy Minister of Home Affairs from 6 May  2002 to 28 April 2004

As a former Chief Whip of the Majority Party in Parliament in 2001 as well as Deputy  Chairperson of the ANC Political Committee as well as the Chairperson of the Joint  Standing Committee on Intelligence, Former Minister Mapisa – Nqakula brings a  formidable wealth of experience to the new position with a solid track – record as a  legislator and policy maker spanning over a number of years.

As a gender activist, Minister Mapisa – Nqakula has served as Secretary – General  of the ANC Women’s League as well as its President and member of the ANC  National Executive Committee since the early 90s.

As a member of the Theme 3 Core Group of the Constitution Making Process since 1994, Minister Mapisa Nqakula’s imprint and contribution to our democracy has  ensured that our current Bill of Rights affirms the rights of women.

Caucus welcomes her nomination and candidature as Speaker – Elect especially in  the Year of Charlotte Maxeke as well as the commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the 1956 Women’s March to the Union Buildings.

The ANC Parliamentary Caucus is gearing itself for the beginning of the Third Term  which starts on the 16th August 2021 following the Constituency Period that saw MPs interacting with communities on their focus areas looks forward to a vibrant and  robust period.


Nomfanelo Kota  

Acting Caucus Spokesperson  

067 415 1089
