ANC Parliamentary Caucus Statement- Reflections On Progress Made By The 7th Parliament And Highlights For The Third Term

16 October 2024

Members of the media we have invited you today as a start of what we hope will be a series of ongoing conversations between the ANC Parliamentary Caucus and media houses represented in Parliament.

Coming from the recently held NEC Lekgotla of the ANC, we have been mandated to ensure that we continue to build and sustain a dynamic and interactive link with the people we are elected to represent and the Parliament of the people. Since our election into this august House more than three months ago, the African National Congress has been hard at work with our GNU partners and other parties represented in Parliament to set up the structures of Parliament. We faced the immediate challenge of changing the rules of Parliament in line with the electoral outcomes.

We have established all Portfolio and Standing Committees – 34 in total. This week we aim to finalise the establishment of 4 joint committees comprising members of the NA and the NCOP.

Even though the parliamentary term started late in terms of the planning cycle of government, we were able to ensure all budgets were passed within the legislated timeframes and all quarterly considered.

The ANC parliamentary caucus has committed to ensuring that parliament fulfils its constitutional mandate to maintain effective and robust oversight, passing legislation advancing our country’s transformation and facilitating greater public participation.

The 2024 election manifesto of the ANC set out 6 key priorities: to put South Africa to work; build our industries for an inclusive economy; tackle the high cost of living; invest in people; defend democracy and advance freedom; and build a better Africa and world.

When the President officially opened Parliament on 18 July 2024, he outlined the apex priorities of the ANC-led government: inclusive growth of our economy and job creation, fighting poverty and bringing down the cost of living, and building a capable and developmental state at all levels of government. In broad terms, the President was outlining the primary tasks of the 7th administration for which he and his cabinet will be held accountable.

The task of the ANC parliamentary caucus and indeed Parliament is to hold our government accountable for achieving these priorities.

To date, we have convened no less than 36 mini-plenaries, 18 full plenaries and 3 joint plenaries in just over 100 days. Through these sessions, robust oversight has been exercised through questions for oral reply and appearances by Ministers, Deputy Ministers and leaders of state organs before portfolio committees and SCOPA.

The responsiveness of the executive bodes well for the working relationship with Parliament in the 7th term. Our Ministers have answered a total of 104 out of 105 oral questions asked by members. The President and Deputy President have answered the 6 questions asked in the second term in the NA and the NCOP.

When it comes to answers to questions for written reply, 888 questions have been answered leaving 196 still to be answered. The ANC is determined to ensure that all these questions are ultimately answered.

In this 30th year of our democracy, under the leadership of the ANC in Parliament, the unity of purpose has been practically expressed by most members of parliament. MPs from all parties are involved in developing the 5 year strategic plan for the 7th Parliament.

We have shared the chairpersons of committees proportionally with other parties. To deliver on the priorities we have set out, the ANC has led in debates in the House. In the Women’s Day debate, we recognized how far the women of our country have come in three decades of our democracy.

The Minister of Police made a statement on the crisis of extortion in our country and members engaged in a debate on the programme of action to end this scourge which is an attack on our people, businesses and national security in general. We are confident that the Minister of Police and his team have a clear plan to overcome this crisis.

In her ministerial statement, the Minister of Water and Sanitation focused on matters of the safety of dams in South Africa. This is an important matter given the ongoing challenge of water provision in some parts of our country.

A crucial debate was convened on the recent decision by NERSA to grant Eskom’s application to retrospectively recover R8 billion for the 2021/2022 financial year. As the ANC we made it clear that any massive increase in the cost of electricity is simply untenable for our people and small and large businesses.

In the debate on Heritage Day, we celebrated 30 years of unity in diversity and paid tribute to those who laid down their lives for our freedom. This is an important milestone in the life of our country and its people. The ANC Caucus, through Parliament, will continue to ensure that we consolidate our gains in this regard.

We welcomed the President’s signing of the BELA Bill into law and supported the process of engagement about two clauses in the Act.

A series of oversight reports were adopted between 20 August and 20 September 2024, with many important observations and recommendations outlined by our Portfolio Committees.

The questions to the President and Deputy President have enabled critical discussion on matters such as how the government will develop the Sovereign Wealth Fund, our plans to involve the private sector in developing port infrastructure; and expanding access to markets for small-scale farmers; the ongoing interventions to address water challenges in prioritised areas and the impact of the conflict in Sudan on the peace and stability of the region.

All four clusters in government had their oral question-and-answer sessions.

During the constituency period, we worked on strengthening constituency work, where all our MPs visited their constituencies to connect with communities and help resolve their challenges. Our MPs have been directed to always be where our people are, listening to and solving their problems so that when they come to the House they are truly representatives of the people.

Issued by ANC Parliamentary Caucus

For enquiries, please contact:

Sinetemba Jakavula

ANC Communications Officer