ANC Caucus mourns the passing of MME Moloko Maggie Tlou M.P

3 February 2022

The ANC Caucus has today, Thursday 03 February 2022 learnt with shock and sadness of the passing of Mme Maggie Tlou, from Gauteng after a long illness.

In Comrade Tlou’s passing death has robbed us of a diligent activist from the  Progressive Women’s Movement who was active in the Winterveldt area in the 80s.  Her leadership roles included serving in the ANC Women’s League structures at  both Regional and Provincial levels. A hardworker of note, strict -yet similarly bubbly  in personality, Mme Tlou also served in the Gauteng ANC PEC from 2014 – 2018.

At the time of her passing Comrade Tlou had been deployed to the National  Assembly in Parliament on the Gauteng Province to National List and was serving in  the COGTA Portfolio Committee since 2019 and played a very active role until her  health situation deteriorated. Previously, she also served as a member of the  Gauteng Legislature.

In her honour, ANC Caucus in Parliament commits itself to assimilating the Congress  values that Mme Tlou embodied as we seek to strengthen our Organizational  renewal and acting with unity of purpose in the advancement and defence of South  Africa’s democratic gains. Mme Tlou departs the land of the living only seven days  before the State of the Nation Address scheduled for 10 February 2022 where  President Ramaphosa will be addressing the Nation.

We thus extend our deepest condolences to her family, relatives and friends during  this dark hour. May the knowledge that you are in our thoughts and Prayers  strengthen you. Lala ngoxolo Mmme Moloko Maggie Tlou. You have run your race.  May your beautiful soul now rest in eternal peace.

Issued on behalf of the Office of the Chief Whip

For more information, contact

Nomfanelo Kota

Acting Caucus Spokesperson on 067 415 1089