ANC Parliamentary Caucus welcomes the passing of two Bills in the National Assembly

26 October 2023

The ANC Parliamentary Caucus welcomes the passing of the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill and the Upstream Petroleum Resources Development (UPRD) Bill.

These two bills are critical for the transformation agenda of the ANC government of transforming the apartheid political economy and achieving the vision of the Freedom Charter of a National Democratic Society.

The BELA Bill responds to the changing demographics of our communities, findings by the courts and parliament’s own observations in oversight reports on schools across the provinces. The ANC believes that education is essential for empowering all South Africans with the knowledge and skills to participate in the socioeconomic life of the country. Addressing the legacy of colonialism and apartheid requires an education which is transformative in its curriculum and an education which is inclusive for all.

The BELA Bill addresses the vestiges of apartheid and some discriminatory practices by some School Governing Bodies that seek to preserve public schools as bastions of Afrikaner culture.

The UPRD Bill, on the other hand, aims to unlock the potential 27 billion barrels of prospective petroleum resources estimated for South Africa. It enables further exploration and production of petroleum resources, incentivising investment for exploration and production. The Bill creates a favourable legal, regulatory, and institutional environment. South Africa has the potential to become an energyexporting country, which will positively impact the cost of fuel and lower the cost of living for our people.

The enactment of this Bill marks an official separation of the petroleum industry from the mining industry as encapsulated in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) of 2002.

The ANC Caucus congratulates the two committees that have worked on the two bills and the participation of stakeholders who diligently participated and supported the work of parliament.

We are confident that the two bills will bring about the much needed transformation and place South Africa on a new and inclusive growth path in line with the National Development Plan.

The ANC Caucus wishes matric learners well

The ANC Parliamentary Caucus wishes all our matric learners the best of luck for their exams. We acknowledge the hard work and sacrifices learners, teachers, parents, and departmental officials have made over the years.

Issued by the Office of the Chief Whip

For enquiries, please contact:

Luthando Nogcinisa
Office of the Chief Whip
076 385 1440